’’Do you know where puaraerki pool is’’? I do ‘it is somewhere
next to this farm, but you need fuel, to get there’
because it is so far that you might run out of fuel,.
When we got there the leader of the program said to go have morning ‘tea together’. We had some apples, and biscuits, and then
we got changed into our swimming togs,. 
after we had morning tea’ we went in to, the hydro-slide ‘and came down safely and then I went to the bombing, pools
and it was so fun when I jump’ in the pool,.
And after a while we had to get out of the pool and
the hydra slide and then I went to get tagged
and wait for the bus and then we went home.
I hope you like my story.
Hi Issac, I love going to the Parakai Hot Pools. My son Matthew and I like to have races down the slides. The big outdoor pool is also fun when the weather is nice and when it is cold the indoor pool is perfect for relaxing in. Really enjoyed your story.